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Word Counter

Word counter by Text-Toolbox.com is a simple and safe online tool for character, word, and paragraph counting instantly. We never store anything on our server. Every process is done in your local browser.

Character count: 0

Word count: 0

Sentence count: 0

Paragraph count: 0


Welcome to Text-Toolbox.com, your go-to hub for online tools that prioritize simplicity, safety, and speed. Say goodbye to cumbersome interfaces and hello to effortless efficiency as you explore our range of intuitive tools, from text converters to more. Our platform is designed with your peace of mind in mind, ensuring a secure environment for all your online needs.

We never store nor send your data to our server, all the data you input is processed in your local web browser. Experience the ease of Text-Toolbox.com today and elevate your digital experience with just a click.